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Photos - Renee Anderson, Emerald. QLD.

About Left Field Solutions

Left Field Solutions is a bespoke agricultural commodities intelligence and cash brokerage business servicing farmers predominately in Northern NSW, Queensland and the Northern Territory. 


We travel regularly to meet with our grower client base, developing strategies around when to sell and, importantly, to whom – based not just on price, but also on production cycles, seasonal conditions, risk appetite and underlying market conditions.


Strong relationships -  spanning growers, agronomists, contractors, traders, bankers, logistics providers and consumers – ensure we remain abreast of the key opportunities and risks facing our client base, and the industries in which we operate. 


The breadth of this experience means LFS is also well placed, and often called upon, to provide specialty project services for corporate clients and investors in Australian agriculture.

Contact Left Field Solutions:

ABN:  62 594 897 486

Left Field Solutions Pty Limited

PO Box 4745, Toowoomba East, QLD, 4350

Phone: 0409 893 139



The information and opinions expressed on this website are general in nature and do not constitute advice.  They are derived from sources which the company believes to be accurate and reliable. Left Field Solutions Pty limited offers no guarantee or warranty, nor will we accept responsibility in any way for the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completeness of any information or data contained on this website, nor will we be liable to any person for any loss or damage arising as a result fo any action taken on information or data seen on this website. Independent advice should be sought before entering into any commodity transactions

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